
566 lines
21 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

"use strict";
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
var __spreadArray = (this && this.__spreadArray) || function (to, from) {
for (var i = 0, il = from.length, j = to.length; i < il; i++, j++)
to[j] = from[i];
return to;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.printArrayList = exports.isUniqueMethodInvocation = exports.sortImports = exports.isStatementEmptyStatement = exports.isShiftOperator = exports.separateTokensIntoGroups = exports.putIntoBraces = exports.getInterfaceBodyDeclarationsSeparator = exports.getClassBodyDeclarationsSeparator = exports.getBlankLinesSeparator = exports.isExplicitLambdaParameter = exports.displaySemicolon = exports.findDeepElementInPartsArray = exports.sortModifiers = exports.sortClassTypeChildren = exports.matchCategory = exports.sortNodes = exports.sortAnnotationIdentifier = exports.rejectAndConcat = exports.rejectAndJoin = exports.rejectSeparators = exports.reject = exports.rejectAndJoinSeps = exports.buildFqn = void 0;
var forEach_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash/forEach"));
var forEachRight_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash/forEachRight"));
var findLastIndex_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash/findLastIndex"));
var findIndex_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash/findIndex"));
var includes_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash/includes"));
var prettier_builder_1 = require("./prettier-builder");
var format_comments_1 = require("./comments/format-comments");
var comments_utils_1 = require("./comments/comments-utils");
var doc_1 = require("prettier/doc");
var utils_1 = require("../types/utils");
var indent =, hardline =, line =;
var isConcat = doc_1.utils.isConcat;
var orderedModifiers = [
function buildFqn(tokens, dots) {
return rejectAndJoinSeps(dots ? dots : [], tokens);
exports.buildFqn = buildFqn;
function rejectAndJoinSeps(sepTokens, elems, sep) {
if (!Array.isArray(sepTokens)) {
return rejectAndJoin(sepTokens, elems);
var actualElements = reject(elems);
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sepTokens.length; i++) {
res.push(actualElements[i], sepTokens[i]);
if (sep) {
res.push.apply(res, actualElements.slice(sepTokens.length));
return prettier_builder_1.concat(res);
exports.rejectAndJoinSeps = rejectAndJoinSeps;
function reject(elems) {
return elems.filter(function (item) {
if (typeof item === "string") {
return item !== "";
// eslint-ignore next - We want the conversion to boolean!
// @ts-ignore
return item != false && item !== undefined;
exports.reject = reject;
function rejectSeparators(separators, elems) {
var realElements = reject(elems);
var realSeparators = [];
for (var i = 0; i < realElements.length - 1; i++) {
if (realElements[i] !== "") {
return realSeparators;
exports.rejectSeparators = rejectSeparators;
function rejectAndJoin(sep, elems) {
var actualElements = reject(elems);
return prettier_builder_1.join(sep, actualElements);
exports.rejectAndJoin = rejectAndJoin;
function rejectAndConcat(elems) {
var actualElements = reject(elems);
return prettier_builder_1.concat(actualElements);
exports.rejectAndConcat = rejectAndConcat;
function sortAnnotationIdentifier(annotations, identifiers) {
var tokens = __spreadArray([], identifiers);
if (annotations && annotations.length > 0) {
tokens = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], tokens), annotations);
return tokens.sort(function (a, b) {
var startOffset1 = utils_1.isCstNode(a)
? a.children.At[0].startOffset
: a.startOffset;
var startOffset2 = utils_1.isCstNode(b)
? b.children.At[0].startOffset
: b.startOffset;
return startOffset1 - startOffset2;
exports.sortAnnotationIdentifier = sortAnnotationIdentifier;
function sortTokens(values) {
var tokens = [];
forEach_1.default(values, function (argument) {
if (argument) {
tokens = tokens.concat(argument);
return tokens.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.startOffset - b.startOffset;
function sortNodes(values) {
var nodes = [];
forEach_1.default(values, function (argument) {
if (argument) {
nodes = nodes.concat(argument);
return nodes.sort(function (a, b) {
var aOffset = a.location.startOffset;
var bOffset = b.location.startOffset;
return aOffset - bOffset;
exports.sortNodes = sortNodes;
function matchCategory(token, categoryName) {
var labels = (token.tokenType.CATEGORIES || []).map(function (category) {
return category.LABEL;
return labels.indexOf(categoryName) !== -1;
exports.matchCategory = matchCategory;
function sortClassTypeChildren(annotations, typeArguments, identifiers, dots) {
var tokens = __spreadArray([], identifiers);
if (annotations && annotations.length > 0) {
tokens = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], tokens), annotations);
if (typeArguments && typeArguments.length > 0) {
tokens = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], tokens), typeArguments);
if (dots && dots.length > 0) {
tokens = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], tokens), dots);
return tokens.sort(function (a, b) {
var startOffsetA = utils_1.isCstNode(a)
? a.children.At
? a.children.At[0].startOffset
: a.children.Less[0].startOffset
: a.startOffset;
var startOffsetB = utils_1.isCstNode(b)
? b.children.At
? b.children.At[0].startOffset
: b.children.Less[0].startOffset
: b.startOffset;
return startOffsetA - startOffsetB;
exports.sortClassTypeChildren = sortClassTypeChildren;
function sortModifiers(modifiers) {
var firstAnnotations = [];
var otherModifiers = [];
var lastAnnotations = [];
var hasOtherModifier = false;
* iterate in reverse order because we special-case
* method annotations which come after all other
* modifiers
forEachRight_1.default(modifiers, function (modifier) {
var isAnnotation = modifier.children.annotation !== undefined;
var isMethodAnnotation = isAnnotation &&
( === "methodModifier" || === "interfaceMethodModifier");
if (isAnnotation) {
if (isMethodAnnotation && !hasOtherModifier) {
else {
else {
hasOtherModifier = true;
* if there are only annotations, move everything from
* lastAnnotations to firstAnnotations
if (!hasOtherModifier) {
firstAnnotations = firstAnnotations.concat(lastAnnotations);
lastAnnotations = [];
otherModifiers.sort(function (a, b) {
var modifierIndexA = orderedModifiers.indexOf(Object.keys(a.children)[0]);
var modifierIndexB = orderedModifiers.indexOf(Object.keys(b.children)[0]);
return modifierIndexA - modifierIndexB;
return [firstAnnotations, otherModifiers.concat(lastAnnotations)];
exports.sortModifiers = sortModifiers;
function findDeepElementInPartsArray(item, elt) {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
if (includes_1.default(item, elt)) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
if (findDeepElementInPartsArray(item[i], elt)) {
return true;
else {
for (var key in item) {
if (typeof item[key] === "object" &&
findDeepElementInPartsArray(item[key], elt)) {
return true;
return false;
exports.findDeepElementInPartsArray = findDeepElementInPartsArray;
function displaySemicolon(token, params) {
if (params !== undefined && params.allowEmptyStatement) {
return format_comments_1.printTokenWithComments(token);
if (!comments_utils_1.hasComments(token)) {
return "";
token.image = "";
return format_comments_1.printTokenWithComments(token);
exports.displaySemicolon = displaySemicolon;
function isExplicitLambdaParameter(ctx) {
return (ctx &&
ctx.lambdaParameterList &&
ctx.lambdaParameterList[0] &&
ctx.lambdaParameterList[0].children &&
exports.isExplicitLambdaParameter = isExplicitLambdaParameter;
function getBlankLinesSeparator(ctx, separator) {
if (separator === void 0) { separator = hardline; }
if (ctx === undefined) {
return undefined;
var separators = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ctx.length - 1; i++) {
var node = ctx[i];
var previousRuleEndLineWithComment = comments_utils_1.hasTrailingComments(node)
? node.trailingComments[node.trailingComments.length - 1].endLine
: node.location.endLine;
var nextNode = ctx[i + 1];
var nextRuleStartLineWithComment = comments_utils_1.hasLeadingComments(nextNode)
? nextNode.leadingComments[0].startLine
: nextNode.location.startLine;
if (nextRuleStartLineWithComment - previousRuleEndLineWithComment > 1) {
separators.push(prettier_builder_1.concat([hardline, hardline]));
else {
return separators;
exports.getBlankLinesSeparator = getBlankLinesSeparator;
function getDeclarationsSeparator(declarations, needLineDeclaration, isSemicolon) {
var declarationsWithoutEmptyStatements = declarations.filter(function (declaration) { return !isSemicolon(declaration); });
var userBlankLinesSeparators = getBlankLinesSeparator(declarationsWithoutEmptyStatements);
var additionalBlankLines =;
var separators = [];
var indexNextNotEmptyDeclaration = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < declarations.length - 1; i++) {
// if the empty statement has comments
// we want to print them on their own line
if (isSemicolon(declarations[i])) {
if (comments_utils_1.hasComments(declarations[i])) {
else if (indexNextNotEmptyDeclaration <
declarationsWithoutEmptyStatements.length - 1) {
var isTwoHardLines =
// @ts-ignore
userBlankLinesSeparators[indexNextNotEmptyDeclaration].parts[0].type ===
var additionalSep = !isTwoHardLines &&
(additionalBlankLines[indexNextNotEmptyDeclaration + 1] ||
? hardline
: "";
indexNextNotEmptyDeclaration += 1;
return separators;
function needLineClassBodyDeclaration(declaration) {
if (declaration.children.classMemberDeclaration === undefined) {
return true;
var classMemberDeclaration = declaration.children.classMemberDeclaration[0];
if (classMemberDeclaration.children.fieldDeclaration !== undefined) {
var fieldDeclaration = classMemberDeclaration.children.fieldDeclaration[0];
if (fieldDeclaration.children.fieldModifier !== undefined &&
hasAnnotation(fieldDeclaration.children.fieldModifier)) {
return true;
return false;
else if (classMemberDeclaration.children.Semicolon !== undefined) {
return false;
return true;
function needLineInterfaceMemberDeclaration(declaration) {
if (declaration.children.constantDeclaration !== undefined) {
var constantDeclaration = declaration.children.constantDeclaration[0];
if (constantDeclaration.children.constantModifier !== undefined &&
hasAnnotation(constantDeclaration.children.constantModifier)) {
return true;
return false;
else if (declaration.children.interfaceMethodDeclaration !== undefined) {
var interfaceMethodDeclaration = declaration.children.interfaceMethodDeclaration[0];
if (interfaceMethodDeclaration.children.interfaceMethodModifier !==
undefined &&
hasNonTrailingAnnotation(interfaceMethodDeclaration.children.interfaceMethodModifier)) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
function isClassBodyDeclarationASemicolon(classBodyDeclaration) {
if (classBodyDeclaration.children.classMemberDeclaration) {
if (classBodyDeclaration.children.classMemberDeclaration[0].children
.Semicolon !== undefined) {
return true;
return false;
function isInterfaceMemberASemicolon(interfaceMemberDeclaration) {
return interfaceMemberDeclaration.children.Semicolon !== undefined;
function hasAnnotation(modifiers) {
return modifiers.some(function (modifier) { return modifier.children.annotation !== undefined; });
* Return true if there is a method modifier that does not come after all other modifiers
* It is useful to know if sortModifiers will add an annotation before other modifiers
* @param methodModifiers
* @returns {boolean}
function hasNonTrailingAnnotation(methodModifiers) {
var firstAnnotationIndex = findIndex_1.default(methodModifiers, function (modifier) { return modifier.children.annotation !== undefined; });
var lastNonAnnotationIndex = findLastIndex_1.default(methodModifiers, function (modifier) { return modifier.children.annotation === undefined; });
return (firstAnnotationIndex < lastNonAnnotationIndex ||
lastNonAnnotationIndex === -1);
function getClassBodyDeclarationsSeparator(classBodyDeclarationContext) {
return getDeclarationsSeparator(classBodyDeclarationContext, needLineClassBodyDeclaration, isClassBodyDeclarationASemicolon);
exports.getClassBodyDeclarationsSeparator = getClassBodyDeclarationsSeparator;
function getInterfaceBodyDeclarationsSeparator(interfaceMemberDeclarationContext) {
return getDeclarationsSeparator(interfaceMemberDeclarationContext, needLineInterfaceMemberDeclaration, isInterfaceMemberASemicolon);
exports.getInterfaceBodyDeclarationsSeparator = getInterfaceBodyDeclarationsSeparator;
function putIntoBraces(argument, separator, LBrace, RBrace) {
var rightBraceLeadingComments = format_comments_1.getTokenLeadingComments(RBrace);
var lastBreakLine =
// check if last element of the array is a line
rightBraceLeadingComments.length !== 0 &&
rightBraceLeadingComments[rightBraceLeadingComments.length - 1] === hardline
? rightBraceLeadingComments.pop()
: separator;
delete RBrace.leadingComments;
var contentInsideBraces;
if (argument === undefined || argument === "") {
if (rightBraceLeadingComments.length === 0) {
return prettier_builder_1.concat([LBrace, RBrace]);
contentInsideBraces = __spreadArray([separator], rightBraceLeadingComments);
else if (rightBraceLeadingComments.length !== 0) {
contentInsideBraces = __spreadArray([
], rightBraceLeadingComments);
else {
contentInsideBraces = [separator, argument];
exports.putIntoBraces = putIntoBraces;
var andOrBinaryOperators = ["&&", "||", "&", "|", "^"];
function separateTokensIntoGroups(ctx) {
* separate tokens into groups by andOrBinaryOperators ("&&", "||", "&", "|", "^")
* in order to break those operators in priority.
var tokens = sortTokens([
var groupsOfOperator = [];
var sortedBinaryOperators = [];
var tmpGroup = [];
tokens.forEach(function (token) {
if (matchCategory(token, "'BinaryOperator'") &&
includes_1.default(andOrBinaryOperators, token.image)) {
tmpGroup = [];
else {
return {
groupsOfOperator: groupsOfOperator,
sortedBinaryOperators: sortedBinaryOperators
exports.separateTokensIntoGroups = separateTokensIntoGroups;
function isShiftOperator(tokens, index) {
if (tokens.length <= index + 1) {
return "none";
if (tokens[index].image === "<" &&
tokens[index + 1].image === "<" &&
tokens[index].startOffset === tokens[index + 1].startOffset - 1) {
return "leftShift";
if (tokens[index].image === ">" &&
tokens[index + 1].image === ">" &&
tokens[index].startOffset === tokens[index + 1].startOffset - 1) {
if (tokens.length > index + 2 &&
tokens[index + 2].image === ">" &&
tokens[index + 1].startOffset === tokens[index + 2].startOffset - 1) {
return "doubleRightShift";
return "rightShift";
return "none";
exports.isShiftOperator = isShiftOperator;
function isStatementEmptyStatement(statement) {
return (statement === ";" ||
// @ts-ignore
(isConcat(statement) &&[0] === ";"));
exports.isStatementEmptyStatement = isStatementEmptyStatement;
function sortImports(imports) {
var staticImports = [];
var nonStaticImports = [];
if (imports !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < imports.length; i++) {
if (imports[i].children.Static !== undefined) {
else if (imports[i].children.emptyStatement === undefined) {
// TODO: Could be optimized as we could expect that the array is already almost sorted
var comparator = function (first, second) {
return compareFqn(first.children.packageOrTypeName[0], second.children.packageOrTypeName[0]);
return {
staticImports: staticImports,
nonStaticImports: nonStaticImports
exports.sortImports = sortImports;
function compareFqn(packageOrTypeNameFirst, packageOrTypeNameSecond) {
var identifiersFirst = packageOrTypeNameFirst.children.Identifier;
var identifiersSecond = packageOrTypeNameSecond.children.Identifier;
var minParts = Math.min(identifiersFirst.length, identifiersSecond.length);
for (var i = 0; i < minParts; i++) {
if (identifiersFirst[i].image < identifiersSecond[i].image) {
return -1;
else if (identifiersFirst[i].image > identifiersSecond[i].image) {
return 1;
if (identifiersFirst.length < identifiersSecond.length) {
return -1;
else if (identifiersFirst.length > identifiersSecond.length) {
return 1;
return 0;
function isUniqueMethodInvocation(primarySuffixes) {
if (primarySuffixes === undefined) {
return 0;
var count = 0;
primarySuffixes.forEach(function (primarySuffix) {
if (primarySuffix.children.methodInvocationSuffix !== undefined) {
if (count > 1) {
return 2;
return count;
exports.isUniqueMethodInvocation = isUniqueMethodInvocation;
function printArrayList(_a) {
var list = _a.list, extraComma = _a.extraComma, LCurly = _a.LCurly, RCurly = _a.RCurly, trailingComma = _a.trailingComma;
var optionalComma;
if (trailingComma !== "none" && list !== "") {
optionalComma = extraComma
? prettier_builder_1.ifBreak(extraComma[0], __assign(__assign({}, extraComma[0]), { image: "" }))
: prettier_builder_1.ifBreak(",", "");
else {
optionalComma = extraComma ? __assign(__assign({}, extraComma[0]), { image: "" }) : "";
return putIntoBraces(rejectAndConcat([list, optionalComma]), line, LCurly, RCurly);
exports.printArrayList = printArrayList;