/** * @param {string} targetFilePath - The path and file name to serialize to. * @param {string} varName - The name of the global variable to expose the serialized contents/ * @param {chevrotain.Parser} parserInstance - A parser instance whose grammar will be serialized. */ function serializeGrammarToFile(targetFilePath, varName, parserInstance) { var fs = require("fs") var serializedGrammar = parserInstance.getSerializedGastProductions() var serializedGrammarText = JSON.stringify(serializedGrammar, null, "\t") // generated a JavaScript file which exports the serialized grammar on the global scope (Window) fs.writeFileSync( targetFilePath, "var " + varName + " = " + serializedGrammarText ) } module.exports = { serializeGrammarToFile: serializeGrammarToFile }