180 lines
6.1 KiB
180 lines
6.1 KiB
"use strict";
var __spreadArray = (this && this.__spreadArray) || function (to, from) {
for (var i = 0, il = from.length, j = to.length; i < il; i++, j++)
to[j] = from[i];
return to;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.processComments = exports.getTokenLeadingComments = exports.printNodeWithComments = exports.printTokenWithComments = void 0;
var doc_1 = require("prettier/doc");
var utils_1 = require("../../types/utils");
var concat = doc_1.builders.concat, hardline = doc_1.builders.hardline, lineSuffix = doc_1.builders.lineSuffix, breakParent = doc_1.builders.breakParent, literalline = doc_1.builders.literalline;
* Takes a token and return a doc with:
* - concatenated leading comments
* - the token image
* - concatenated trailing comments
* @param {IToken} token
* @return a doc with the token and its comments
function printTokenWithComments(token) {
return printWithComments(token, token.image, getTokenLeadingComments, getTokenTrailingComments);
exports.printTokenWithComments = printTokenWithComments;
* Takes a node and return a doc with:
* - concatenated leading comments
* - the node doc value
* - concatenated trailing comments
* @param {CstNode} node
* @param {Doc} value - the converted node value
* @return a doc with the token and its comments
function printNodeWithComments(node, value) {
return printWithComments(node, value, getNodeLeadingComments, getNodeTrailingComments);
exports.printNodeWithComments = printNodeWithComments;
function printWithComments(nodeOrToken, value, getLeadingComments, getTrailingComments) {
var leadingComments = getLeadingComments(nodeOrToken);
var trailingComments = getTrailingComments(nodeOrToken, value);
return leadingComments.length === 0 && trailingComments.length === 0
? value
: concat(__spreadArray(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], leadingComments), [value]), trailingComments));
* @param {IToken} token
* @return an array containing processed leading comments and separators
function getTokenLeadingComments(token) {
return getLeadingComments(token, token);
exports.getTokenLeadingComments = getTokenLeadingComments;
* @param {CstNode} node
* @return an array containing processed leading comments and separators
function getNodeLeadingComments(node) {
return getLeadingComments(node, node.location);
function getLeadingComments(nodeOrToken, location) {
var arr = [];
if (nodeOrToken.leadingComments !== undefined) {
var previousEndLine = nodeOrToken.leadingComments[0].endLine;
var step = void 0;
for (var i = 1; i < nodeOrToken.leadingComments.length; i++) {
step = nodeOrToken.leadingComments[i].startLine - previousEndLine;
if (step === 1 ||
nodeOrToken.leadingComments[i].startOffset > location.startOffset) {
else if (step > 1) {
arr.push(hardline, hardline);
previousEndLine = nodeOrToken.leadingComments[i].endLine;
step = location.startLine - previousEndLine;
if (step === 1 ||
nodeOrToken.leadingComments[nodeOrToken.leadingComments.length - 1]
.startOffset > location.startOffset) {
else if (step > 1) {
arr.push(hardline, hardline);
return arr;
* @param {IToken} token
* @return an array containing processed trailing comments and separators
function getTokenTrailingComments(token) {
return getTrailingComments(token, token.image, token);
* @param {CstNode} node
* @param {string} value
* @return an array containing processed trailing comments and separators
function getNodeTrailingComments(node, value) {
return getTrailingComments(node, value, node.location);
function getTrailingComments(nodeOrToken, value, location) {
var arr = [];
var previousEndLine = location.endLine;
if (nodeOrToken.trailingComments !== undefined) {
nodeOrToken.trailingComments.forEach(function (comment, idx) {
var separator = "";
if (comment.startLine !== previousEndLine) {
else if (value !== "" && idx === 0) {
separator = " ";
if (comment.tokenType.name === "LineComment") {
arr.push(lineSuffix(concat([separator, concat(formatComment(comment)), breakParent])));
else {
previousEndLine = comment.endLine;
return arr;
function isJavaDoc(comment, lines) {
var isJavaDoc = true;
if (comment.tokenType.name === "TraditionalComment" && lines.length > 1) {
for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].trim().charAt(0) !== "*") {
isJavaDoc = false;
else {
isJavaDoc = false;
return isJavaDoc;
function formatJavaDoc(lines) {
var res = [lines[0].trim()];
for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
res.push(" " + lines[i].trim());
return res;
function formatComment(comment) {
var res = [];
var lines = comment.image.split("\n");
if (isJavaDoc(comment, lines)) {
return formatJavaDoc(lines);
lines.forEach(function (line) {
return res;
function processComments(docs) {
if (!Array.isArray(docs)) {
if (utils_1.isCstElementOrUndefinedIToken(docs)) {
return printTokenWithComments(docs);
return docs;
return docs.map(function (elt) {
if (utils_1.isCstElementOrUndefinedIToken(elt)) {
return printTokenWithComments(elt);
return elt;
exports.processComments = processComments;